Pivoting with Purpose: Why Lima is Our Next Stop

Jared // Updates


August 28  

We hope everyone is well. It's been a while since our last update, and we have some significant news to share about our journey with the IMB.

Changes in Our Path: Destination Lima, Peru

This year has seen some unexpected turns. Initially, our plan revolved around Colombia. But as many of you know, obtaining a Colombian visa has become challenging. Earlier this year, a position opened up when the Affinity Group Leader (AGL) was promoted. By June, we learned that our supervisors from Bogota had been chosen for this role, requiring them to move to Lima, Peru.

When we met with our supervisors in June, they presented the possibility of us moving to Lima as well. After much discussion and prayer, we agreed this was the right step. Relocating will enable closer collaboration and will also expand Jared's role to cover digital engagement across the Americas. Thus, we're thrilled to announce our move to Lima by year's end. Though different from our initial plans, we see God's guidance in this change.

Digital Engagement Training

Over the next few months, Jared will undergo specialized training for his role. This will involve traveling, so we request your prayers for safe journeys and strength for Amy and the kids during his absence.

Visiting Loved Ones

On a lighter note, Jared's parents recently visited us in Mexico. We had a memorable time vacationing in Cancun. It was a joyful time spent together making memories. We eagerly await their visit in Lima and are equally thrilled about Amy's mom planning her trip to see us in Peru.

Educational Updates

With Amy completing her language school, homeschooling has resumed. Though we initially had a Spanish tutor, Amy has taken over teaching Spanish. As we adjust to the homeschooling routine, we pray that our children continue improving their language skills and form bonds with the local kids.

As for Jared, his Spanish classes continue. He's progressing and preparing for an upcoming language exam. Your prayers for reaching the advanced high level by year-end would be appreciated.

Blessings and Praises

Your continuous prayers have been felt. Despite the distance and time, your support has been encouraging. We believe our transition to Lima is a result of your prayers. We're also thankful for our progress in learning Spanish and our involvement with the local church in Mexico. Our participation in local outreach activities and interactions with fellow church members have been fulfilling.

Prayer Requests

  • Jared's success in the upcoming language exam.
  • Continuous improvement in our children's Spanish-speaking skills.
  • Safe travels for Jared in September and strength for Amy managing alone.
  • Guidance for our supervisors, the Brungardts, in their new role.
  • Success of our church's community outreach in Tecola, Mexico.

Photo Highlights

  • Jared, really enjoy watching (reading) about how God is putting you and the family where He wants you. Thank you for the updates. I am putting together a plan for mission trips for our new Church in Live Oak Fl. Would like to put you guys on the list for a “vision trip” to see how we could help you. If possible, let me know. Praying for you all.

    • Hi Duncan! Very glad to hear from you. We would love for you guys to come do a vision trip once we get to Lima. It will take us a bit to get settled in and figure out ways that people can help, but we definitely would love to make it happen.

  • Thats awesome that you guys are moving to Peru! We were actually there in February and hope to be going back in the future. We had an overnight layover in Lima. Next time we will have to connect.
    Rachel is doing Rome to the Reformation with the kids this year too!

    • Hey David! Good to hear from you. That would be great if we could catch up in Lima. Hope your kids have a great year at school learning all the fun facts of history. Did Rachel wear a toga to teach? lol

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