
Posted ON September 21, 2022 by  Jared5 comments

Our very first public event as IMB missionaries will take place on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:00pm EST. We are extremely blessed to have Pastor Ethan Crowder and Pastor Alan Brumback both attending the Sending Celebration in person in Virginia. Pastor Alan was my senior pastor at Central Church in Sanford, Florida where I served as

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Posted ON August 23, 2022 by  Jared0 comments

We received an exciting phone call on August 16 from our IMB candidate consultant. “Congratulations, the trustees voted to approve you as candidates for the IMB”. We celebrated and breathed a sign of relief. (After all…imagine if we weren’t approved after selling our house and moving to Georgia) Even though it’s official, it’s not really official.

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Posted ON July 15, 2022 by  Jared14 comments

Dear , “Are we ready for the mission field?” This is a question I’ve asked myself several times over the past few days. There are of lots of things we’ve done to get “ready” for this. It started with years of prayer and a sense of God’s call to missions. Then we completed the year-long IMB application process

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Posted ON May 28, 2022 by  Jared4 comments

We’re excited to announce that we’re going to be serving in Bogota, Colombia with the International Mission Board (IMB) starting in October of this year. For the past 12 years, Amy and I have prayed about serving with the IMB. In fact, during our first year of marriage we started the application process until I (Jared)

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