
Posted ON May 1, 2023 by  Jared14 comments

This month we are trying something new. Joshua helped me put a slideshow together that I could narrate and give you some updates on life here in Puebla. I’ll link the video at the bottom.  We continue to go to language school daily and we’re excited that we’re making progress. Amy and I both have our

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Posted ON March 25, 2023 by  Jared4 comments

In this month’s update I wanted to give you a glimpse into some of the things we’ve been doing in Puebla to get adjusted. Living in a new country can be challenging, but we’ve been trying to make the most of our time here and enjoy exploring our new city. One of the things we’ve done

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Posted ON February 3, 2023 by  Jared16 comments

We hit the ground running in Puebla this past month, but we’re learning that it’s a marathon and not a sprint. And just like any race, there are enjoyable legs of the race as well as painful stretches.  In this update, we’ll share some examples of both the good parts and the hard parts.Short SummaryDon’t like

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Posted ON January 8, 2023 by  Jared26 comments

We just completed our first week in Mexico and we’re excited to share our first update from the field. Before we share about our first week in Mexico, I wanted to share about our final week in the USA.Leaving The USAOne of the last things we needed to do before leaving the USA was to

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Posted ON November 26, 2022 by  Jared12 comments

The past 5 weeks have been a blessing and a blur. We’re participating in what’s called Field Personnel Orientation (FPO). FPO takes 7 weeks in total and we just finished week 5. Only 2 weeks left before we come home for a brief period before moving to Mexico for language school. Each day (Monday through Friday)

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